Welcome to the wonderful world of maternity and baby photography with Lora Wild!

Boost your photography career in the blink of an eye.



Why Lora Wild?

Personal and Professional Experience

I’ve spent years perfecting my craft, specifically dedicated to maternity and baby photography. My experience as both a mother and photographer gives me a unique advantage in understanding and capturing the precious moments you're looking to immortalize.

Personalized Approach

My workshops are one-on-one, meaning I’m 100% committed to your development as a photographer. Every session is tailored to your specific needs, current skill level, and professional goals.

Tangible Results

How many times have I seen students who’ve taken courses with other photographers, only to feel lost when it’s time to start? My workshops are designed to give you the concrete skills you need to succeed from the get-go. You won’t leave the workshop just with knowledge, but with the confidence to launch your career.

Significant Savings

As an aspiring photographer, it’s easy to get caught up in the high costs of equipment. My workshops will teach you how to wisely invest in the gear you need, saving you thousands of euros by avoiding the costly mistakes I made early in my career.

The Little Details That Matter

Workshops aren’t just about shooting techniques. I’ll also share my secrets for creating unforgettable photo sessions, editing tips and tricks to enhance your shots, and much more.

Learn from the Mistakes of Others

I’ve been through my share of highs and lows as a maternity and baby photographer. By participating in my workshops, you’ll avoid common pitfalls and save precious time.

The Importance of Real Practice

You can’t learn maternity and baby photography in a quick, cheap online class. My workshops will allow you to participate in real photo sessions, where you’ll have the chance to learn, create, and experience the true magic of photography.


Learning Photography in Fun Mode!

Hi, I’m Lora Wild, and I’m beyond thrilled to welcome you here, where the magic of maternity and baby photography comes to life.

I’ve been passionate about photography forever, but my true adventure began with the arrival of my own little miracle. Motherhood inspired me, and photography became my way of capturing those precious moments for eternity.

Now, you might be wondering, why choose Lora Wild for your maternity and baby photography workshops?

Well, let me give you a few compelling reasons.



Pourquoi un atelier avec moi ?

Je veux que tu te sentes à l'aise et confiant dans ton apprentissage. Mes ateliers sont conçus pour être amusants, conviviaux et humains. Nous travaillerons main dans la main pour faire éclore ton talent de photographe de maternité et de bébé.

Après tout, la photographie consiste à capturer la beauté de la vie naissante, alors pourquoi ne pas commencer par le faire de la manière la plus joyeuse possible ?

Je suis là pour répondre à toutes tes questions, partager mes histoires, mes réussites et mes échecs, et t'aider à réaliser tes rêves photographiques. Alors, n'hésite pas à me contacter pour discuter de la manière dont je peux t'aider à faire décoller ta carrière de photographe de maternité et de bébé.

Laisse-moi t'accompagner dans cette aventure photographique passionnante, et ensemble, nous capturerons les moments précieux qui dureront toute une vie.


Contact me today to book your workshop and start making your star shine in the wonderful world of maternity and baby photography with Lora Wild!

Don’t wait, seize this opportunity, and let’s begin creating magical memories together.

  • Prices starting from 650€

If you need additional information or details about my rates, feel free to contact me here!